“Buy land they’re not making anymore”
It's not overly complicated...
Less of a supply of farmland along with increased demand every single day. What wonderful tailwinds for an investment opportunity. Independent studies at nauseam document the forever dwindling supply of farmland (one study says we are losing 3 acres every minute*) along with increased daily global demand for food and fiber.
Below is a full presentation showing decades of research on Why Own Farmland (The Macro Case). Below the presentation are six primary factors to consider when acquiring farmland and/or areas to focus on improving once owning the land. Good stewardship of this precious resource can increase the income, the value and the enjoyment of the land. In the end, the Big Guy upstairs owns it all anyway; our role is to be good stewards of the land during the time we are just passing through.
We help you continuously grow both your passive income and your wealth.
Six Primary Factors
The Farmer
It all starts with a good farmer. I’ve got a great one. Please click the button below; it will be two minutes very well spent:
Soil Conservation & Preservation
Tiling and terracing can be critical to combat soil erosion.
Natural Water
Rivers, creeks, ponds (man-made if necessary)…fresh water access is becoming more critical all the time.
Wildlife Conservation
Providing a sanctuary on your farm for ALL wildlife to thrive undisturbed. Actively practicing QDMA (Quality Deer Management Association) principles along with timber, fresh water, food plots, orchards, deer herd active management, predator control, etc.
Got Black Walnut?
Opportunistic timber harvesting for both long-term land improvement and investment returns.
Conservation Reserve Program
CRP government programs to both enhance the long-term health of the land and the investment returns for the owner.